Standardizing Baler Excellence At Harmony Harmony Enterprises has decades of experience designing, building, and improving upon our space-saving vertical baler solutions. Harmony's vertical recycling balers provide years of long-lasting … [Read more...]
HKLC & Lit Thinking Elevate Child Health & Safety
Harmony Kids Learning Center has long been committed to enhancing the safety, health, and learning of children in-and-around the Harmony community. Their owners and staff consistently demonstrate the innovative ability to design spaces and curriculum … [Read more...]
Manufacturing Week In MN
Manufacturing Week In MN Manufacturing week was established as a way to recognize the economic importance of this business sector within our communities and schools. The week coincides with the National Manufacturing Day, which falls on the first … [Read more...]
Harmony’s New Press Brake Increases Production Efficiency
Harmony's New Press Brake Increases Production Efficiency Harmony Enterprises continually looks to improve and increase our production efficiencies. Part of that process is providing our talented staff with the tools they need to optimize their … [Read more...]
Harmony’s Global Connections
Stories From Minnesota Businesses On The World Stage East-West Connections (formerly RABCC) fosters understanding and connections among the peoples of Minnesota, Russia and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) through events, education … [Read more...]
Harmony Passes ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit
Harmony Passes ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit This past week, Harmony Enterprises successfully completed its ISO 9001:2015 surveillance audit. According to, ISO 9001 "sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only … [Read more...]
Harmony Implements Digital Vertical Baler Manuals
Harmony Implements Digital Vertical Baler Manuals This past summer, Harmony shared how it was beta testing using QR codes to access our M60STD vertical baler owner's manual. This successful test was extremely well received and provides vertical … [Read more...]
Harmony Tours For Students & Public
Harmony Tours For Students & Public As part of Minnesota Manufacturing Month, Harmony Enterprises will be opening its doors for tours of our production facility to both students from local high schools and the general public on Thursday, October … [Read more...]
Harmony’s Warranty Policy
Harmony Enterprises is proud to manufacture the widest range of quality recycling balers and trash compactors available on the market. As part of our true partnership approach, we also offer an industry leading warranty policy. Harmony's warranty … [Read more...]
New Harmony T60XDRC Video!
Harmony Enterprises is proud to announce the release of our new Harmony T60XDRC video! Harmony strives to continually provide our customers with the most up-to-date resources to help them find the right solution for their waste handling or recycling … [Read more...]