STEAM Week 2024 At Harmony STEAM Week is an annual event that celebrates science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, and how each of these disciplines is inherently connected. While STEAM week often takes place during different … [Read more...]
Harmony Sponsors Fillmore County Fair Lego Contest
Harmony Sponsors Lego Contest For the second year in a row, Harmony Enterprises is proud to sponsor the Lego building contest at the Fillmore County Fair. This year's fair runs from Monday, July 15 through Sunday, July 21. The Lego contest … [Read more...]
Steve & Umbelina Cremer Named Harmony Grand Marshalls
Harmony's Fourth of July Celebration The City of Harmony has its annual community celebration leading up to and through the 4th of July weekend. Just some of the things planned include live music, kids games, a pancake breakfast, a car show, food … [Read more...]
Harmony Participates In Jackson Memorial Golf Classic
Harmony Jackson Memorial Golf Classic For the past twenty-four years, First Southeast Bank of Harmony has partnered with the Harmony Golf Club to host the Jackson Memorial Golf Classic. This fundraiser was created in memory of former FSEB … [Read more...]
Honoring Steve Cremer
Honoring Steve Cremer This past Friday, hundreds of people gathered at the Harmony Golf Club to honor Steve Cremer, who retired on May 17th as CEO of Harmony Enterprises after thirty six years of dedicated service. Steve has been the face and vision … [Read more...]
Senator Amy Klobuchar Visits Harmony!
Senator Amy Klobuchar Visits Harmony! U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar is the first woman elected to represent the State of Minnesota in the United States Senate. As a member of the Joint Economic Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee, Senator … [Read more...]
Steve Cremer Retiring From Harmony
Steve Cremer, CEO, Retiring From Harmony Harmony Enterprises long-time CEO, Steve Cremer, has announced his plans to retire from Harmony Enterprises on May 17, 2024. A third generation owner of Harmony Enterprises, Steve has helped to establish … [Read more...]
Harmony Celebrates Founder’s Day
Harmony Celebrates Founder's Day Harmony Enterprises is proud to celebrate our Founder's Day on March 12th! Locally known as HECO, Harmony Enterprises was founded in 1962 by several resident businessmen who had a vision to diversify the local … [Read more...]
Harmony’s Global Connections
Stories From Minnesota Businesses On The World Stage East-West Connections (formerly RABCC) fosters understanding and connections among the peoples of Minnesota, Russia and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) through events, education … [Read more...]
A Harmony & WDI Employee Success Story
Employer Workforce Partnerships Collaborating with organizations like Bluff Country Collaborative and Workforce Development, Inc. (WDI) can make the difference in attracting and maintaining a team of satisfied and productive employees. Did you know … [Read more...]