Coffee drinkers are passionate about their java, but many feel strongly about taking care of the environment too. There seems to be a lot of needless waste when it comes to drinking coffee, from excessive paper cups thrown in the trash, to pesky … [Read more...]
Sustainable Fashion and Textile Recycling
Recently in the news, actress and activist Emma Watson put sustainable fashion into the spotlight! She made headlines when she wore a custom-made Calvin Klein dress to the Met Gala that was ethically sourced and produced. In fact,the dress was made … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day at School
Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd. It is a great time for all of us to think about what we are doing (or not doing) that is making an impact on Mother Earth. Schools can make a huge difference now and for future generations by teaching kids how to … [Read more...]
Recycling at Home – What NOT to Do
As residents of our local communities, we are all continually being asked to reduce waste by recycling at home, school, and work (and for good reason!). Many municipalities have made it easier for households to recycle with single stream recycling. … [Read more...]
Earth Day Tips for Going Green
Earth Day is celebrated each April 22. What does Earth Day mean to you? How are you making Earth Day more meaningful in your home or business? Earth Day, of course, is more than thinking about the environment for just a day. It is a time to celebrate … [Read more...]
Earth-Friendly Spring Cleaning and Recycling Tips
Spring is here! It is a great time to declutter, reduce, recycle, and get some spring cleaning done in your home or office. Here are some tips for decluttering and recycling this Spring! Decluttering, Spring Cleaning and Recycling Reduce: Go … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Reduce Waste and have a Green Valentine’s Day
Holidays often create a lot of waste - even Valentine's Day. According to, $1.7 billion is spent on candy and $2.1 billion will be spend on flowers alone. Shopping is a big chunk of the waste that happens on Valentine's Day but it … [Read more...]
Reduce Holiday Waste with these Green Gift Giving Ideas
The holiday season seems to be full of over-abundance. Often families get stressed out from the over all the baking, decorations, shopping, and gifts. To-do lists get longer, gifts get bigger, and the trash grows. According to the Environmental … [Read more...]
10 Ideas to Start on America Recycles Day
America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products. It is celebrated each year on November 15 and this year's theme is "I want to be recycled." America Recycles Day was … [Read more...]
How to Find Buy-Back Programs (and make money recycling)
Businesses or stores who may otherwise throw their cardboard in the dumpster or a separate bin for the trash hauler to collect on, could make money recycling. They could be using a baler to compact their recyclable materials and finding buyers for … [Read more...]