The facts about trash and recycling are staggering. The EPA has been collecting information on trash and recycling in the United States since 1960 to measure the success of waste reduction and recycling programs across the country. Here is a great Infographic featuring trash and recycling trends created by our friends at ROUND2 Inc (Read how ROUND2 uses Harmony balers here).
Here are some Trash and Recycling Trends:
- Americans generated 250 million tons of trash in 2010, and the recycling rate was 34.1%
- 1.51 lbs of waste was recycled or composted out of 4.43 lbs of waste per person generated per day
- Paper and cardboard account for the most trash at 34.2%
- One metric ton of electronic scrap from personal computers contains more gold than that recovered from 17 tons of gold ore.

Infographic authored by ROUND2 INC., an Avnet Company specializing in computer recycling. To view the original post, check out the original Trash and Recycling infographic.
Note: The Round2 website will require you to click through a simple security check and Google Chrome add-on in able to view this informative infographic.
View other helpful Information:
What’s in your Trash? Infographic
Recycling Facts and Statistics Infographic
What do you think of these recycling and waste trends? Surprising or to be expected?