How we Celebrated The Fourth Of July in Harmony, MN
If you have been doing business with us or following us online, you are probably aware of the small town culture and work ethic that we have at Harmony Enterprises Inc. This Fourth of July weekend, Harmony Enterprises Inc. sponsored the Jim Busta Band in the annual Fourth of July parade and celebration in the park. The Jim Busta Band plays polka music and includes several members of the Busta family who all grew up with Polka music. This was the fourth consecutive year that Harmony Enterprises Inc. has sponsored the Jim Busta Band for the Fourth of July Celebration in Harmony, Minnesota.
Not only does Harmony Enterprises sponsor the Jim Busta Band, we are proud of our employees who volunteer to pull the band’s float in the parade, using our Harmony truck and trailer. We are also extremely proud of our employees who are active in other community organizations like our local government, veterans groups, ambulance services, fire departments, Relay For Life, haunted house, and church groups. All of these organizations were well represented in the parade.
Below are some photos from the Fourth of July In Harmony. We are also very proud of our marching band from Fillmore Central High School, which of course, is another local favorite. We would like to give special thanks and photo credit to Barb Jeffers from the Fillmore County Journal for letting us share some of their photos below (the first five are credit to Barb Jeffers).