Coors Recycles
The Coors Brewing Company recently announced a sustainability initiative called Coors Recycles® , together with Recyclebank®, in a news release. Recyclebank is a recycling rewards company that offers discounts and deals from local businesses to people for taking everyday green actions.
This isn’t the first time Coors has been proactive in environmental sustainability. According to the Mother Nature Network, Bill Coors’ engineers revealed the first seamless recyclable aluminum can in 1959, and later a program called Cash for Cans offering a penny for each can or glass bottle returned for recycling. These efforts helped to improve public awareness of reusing and recycling efforts across America. Read more about how Bill Coors helped invent recycling here.
Today, 152 million aluminum cans are recycled each day, making them the most recycled item in the United States. It is fitting that the company who invented the first 100% recyclable aluminum over fifty years ago, is also part of a building an online campaign to educate consumers about the benefits of aluminum recycling today.
Did you know, a used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can in as little as 60 days…. and if you recycled just one aluminum can a day for a week, you would save enough energy to watch TV for 21 straight hours!
There are a multitude of aluminum can and other recycling balers offered by Harmony Enterprises to help companies around the world with aluminum recycling.
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