Five sites within the Elior Train Station in Europe, have been equipped with SmartPack Automatic Trash Compactors. The return on investment (ROI) on the SmartPack Trash Compactors for Elior is just one and a half years, with many other benefits ranging from enhancing image, improving efficiency, saving time, and increasing sustainability.
Return on Investment for SmartPack Trash Compactors
Improving Overall Image
- Eliminating spills, leakage and overflows around trash bins
- Reducing the number of trash bins reduction in restaurants allows for more restaurant seating
- Improving access for people with disabilities or mobility issue, since the deposit door automatically opens
Improving Efficiency and Saving Time
- The trash bins only need to be emptied twice a day, improving efficiencies
- Waste volume has been reduced so trash compactors are emptied six times less
- Takes less of employees’ time, allowing them to focus on more productive tasks and customer needs
Reducing Trash Volume
- Saving up to 30% saving on waste collection cost through direct Elior waste contract
- Saving between 10% and 20% (depending on service company) through indirect licensor waste contract
- Reducing the use of plastic trash bags by six times
Increasing Sustainability
- By compacting the waste with SmartPack, Elior reduces its CO2 emissions related to waste collection by garbage truck.
Quick ROI for the SmartPack Trash Compactor
In 2015, five sites within Elior were equipped with SmartPack Automatic Trash Compactors, representing a 50,000€ investment. The material return on investment is an average just one and a half years!
Read More about the SmartPack Trash Compactor:
5 Reasons to Invest in the SmartPack Trash Compactor
SmartPacks Manage Trash at the French Open
McDonald’s Equipped with SmartPacks Save Time & Money
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