World Quality Day 2018 – Focus On Trust
According to Wikipedia, World Quality Day is celebrated every year around the world on the second Thursday of November. The day was created to “increase worldwide awareness of the important contribution that quality makes towards both organisational and national growth, and prosperity.”
Businesses across the globe will participate in the annual event on Thursday, November 8, 2018, through seminars, webinars, and a variety of other activities. This year’s World Quality Day 2018 focus is on the concept of TRUST.
What makes a business reputable? How do they nurture their relationships with those they work with? What are their Core Values? And, how can they create honest dialogue and assessment within their own organizations?
Harmony Celebrates World Quality Day
Harmony Enterprises is proud to celebrate this year’s focus of World Quality Day throughout the year. We understand that our shared success is the direct result of the positive business relationships we have created in over 80 countries around the world. These relationships are founded and grown by trust.
Here are three ways that Harmony has focused on the concept of trust since last year’s World Quality Day:
Interested Parties
This past summer, Harmony Enterprises engaged its Interested Parties to ask them what their needs and expectations were from Harmony in the coming year. These open and honest conversations took place between employees, vendors, service technicians, and community members. They gave insight into what was working in their relationships and what needed work.
Harmony then categorized all of the responses between needs and expectations and listed common threads that existed among each demographic of respondent. They went one step further by putting each comment through a SWOT analysis.
The assigning of our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) allowed the prioritization of this important feedback. Harmony’s EOS Leadership Team reviewed this information, identified, discussed, and solved the issues it presented, and used the results to create effective action plans for 2018-19.
An example of Harmony utilizing the trust built in this exercise was listening to the needs of the community and acting with a community donation of a Harmony SmartPack Automatic Compactor and Wall Mural to the Visitor’s Center in Harmony.
Core Values Video – Proven Process
Another way that Harmony has fostered trust within its own employees, but also with our vendors and customers was with the expression of our Core Values. Harmony is unique in that we live our core values and talk about them daily. We recognize positive actions taken by those in alignment with them.
This past February, we released our first Core Values Video. Harmony Enterprises’ Core Values are focused around our Core Purpose of Career, Community, and Culture. Our five Core Values of Commitment, Passion, Innovation, Enhancing Our Shared Experience, and Courage To Make A Difference define who we are at every level of our organization. We are fun, progressive, compassionate, and eager to provide meaningful solutions for waste handling and recycling.
Harmony wants our current employees, future employees, customers, vendors, and suppliers to know why we do what we do. Our Proven Process also ensures that the people involved in these relationships will understand that our process is simple, repeatable, and measurable.
EOS and ISO implementation
This past year, Harmony has continued to grow in its implementation of both the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
EOS relies on open and honest communication between all members of the organization. Employees meet in high level meetings within every department to identify, discuss, and solve issues on a weekly basis. Goals are published for all, offering clarity of the company vision.
ISO audits allow Harmony to grow in the understanding and improvement of its processes. These standards and audits empower employees to document and implement processes vital to the efficient performance of the company. As part of our ISO documents, Harmony implemented an updated Quality Policy and made it available to all.
Implementing both of these systems builds trust in Harmony’s people and processes.
Contact Harmony Today!
Harmony Enterprises encourages all businesses to celebrate World Quality Day in a way that is meaningful to their organization. If you would like to learn more about our products and services, and how we strive to improve trust, while making the world a better place for generations to come, please Contact Us or call us at 507-886-6666 today!