Filling The Need Gap In The Beverage Industry!

This ExtractPack Max is hard at work at a Midwest U.S. bottling facility, destroying out-of-spec product.
Harmony Enterprises has been manufacturing quality liquid extraction balers used by bottlers, brewers, and contract packagers for years. These machines allow operators to perforate, drain, and bale out-of-date product in a safe and efficient way. With Harmony’s liquid extraction balers, business owners have traditionally had three different sized balers to help manage SKU’s while utilizing their existing FTE’s for other, more important operational duties. They range from smaller, manually fed vertical configurations to larger, tipper fed horizontal liquid extraction balers.
As the innovative solutions provider for the waste handling and recycling industry, Harmony is always looking for ways to improve our product offerings. About two years ago, Harmony invested a great deal of time in conducting market research in the beverage and packaging industries to learn about product shortcomings and pain points.
We asked industry professionals what could be done better to make their operations more efficient and profitable. The answer was clear. They all wanted a more cost-effective, auto-cycling mill-sized liquid extraction baler, capable of high volumes and conveyor feeding, that took up as little space as possible.
Harmony engaged its talented Engineering Department and began the design and development work as part of our ISO 9001:2015 processes to create a solution to fill this need gap. This led to the creation of our fourth model of liquid extraction baler. For well over a year now, our ExtractPack Pro Intermediate Liquid Extraction Baler has been filling the need gap for an intermediate sized, auto-cycling, conveyor fed solution for the beverage industry. It has been implemented in breweries and contract packaging facilities throughout the United States, but still might be one of the best-kept secrets in the industry. You owe it to yourself to read more and find out why the ExtractPack Pro provides an immediate return on your investment!
Why The ExtractPack Pro?

Harmony’s ExtractPack Pro Is A Vertical Intermediate Sized Liquid Extraction Baler Ideal For Bottlers, Brewers, & Contact Packagers
Our ExtractPack Pro combines years of expertise in both vertical baler and liquid extraction baler technology into one ultimate beverage baler! It is the only baler like it available on the market today.
This amazingly efficient baler perforates, drains, and creates mill-sized bales of aluminum, PET, and TetraPak containers of multiple sizes. The ExtractPack Pro is manufactured with 90% of all structural parts being made of the highest quality stainless steel. The remaining 10% of steel parts are coated with durable “steelit gray” paint to resist corrosion and wear.
With its vertical orientation, this innovative intermediate liquid extraction baler provides the same high volume efficiency with a reduced operational space requirement. The large 254.5 gallon stainless steel liquid reservoir is conveniently located under the the conveyor and behind the machine to maximize space.
The baler can be ground fed or conveyor fed, and can be set to cycle automatically for large volumes of product. The ExtractPack Pro makes extremely dense mill-sized bales of product with an incredibly fast 38.5 second cycle time (when empty). The optional conveyor is 36″ wide and 12′ long with 3″ beefy cleats.

Mill-Sized Aluminum Bales Made By The ExtractPack Pro At An Arizona Contract Packaging Facility.
ExtractPack Pro Bale Specifications:
Bale Size: 42″W x 30″D x UP TO 48″H
Bale Weight Aluminum: 600 LBS.
Bale Weight PET: 550 LBS.
All safety switches, ultrasonic sensors, fittings, conduit, and proximity switches are water proof. The ExtractPack Pro is custom designed with stainless steel splash guards, safety covers, and a power unit weather cover that allow for liquid run off and use in the harshest of environments.

The ExtractPack Pro Can Be Ground Or Conveyor Fed, Allowing For Automatic Cycling Of High Volumes Of Product.
The ExtractPack Pro is safe and easy to operate and meets or exceeds OSHA and ANSI standards. The baler uses a hydraulic eject system which safely ejects each bale onto a pallet. The switches, sensors, and fittings are waterproof and all electrical enclosures are stainless steel NEMA 4 rated for extra protection. The ExtractPack Pro utilizes the technology of an Allen Bradley PLC for optimum automation efficiency.
How Do I Know Which Liquid Extraction Baler I Need?
Don’t worry! Harmony is here to help! Our experienced sales staff is ready to assist you with a free quote or no-obligation site review today. We understand the need to examine your operations to determine commodity, volume, space requirements, equipment orientation, drainage, and more. We are here to answer any questions you might have and to make sure you get the right liquid extraction baler for your operations. With our full range of liquid extraction balers, you don’t need to look anywhere else for any of your product destruction needs.
If your business needs a durable intermediate liquid extraction baler that is cost-effective, saves space, but that also provides high efficiency and longevity, the ExtractPack Pro is the baler for you! See our full line of baler or compactor solutions at and Contact Us for more information today!