Harmony Enterprises, Inc. is a third generation, family-owned business based in Harmony, MN. Rooted in the heartland, and incorporating Midwestern values and work ethic, Harmony Enterprises continues to live its vision statement in which the innovative company “benefits our people and community with our shared success.”
This progressive culture was witnessed most recently in three unique ways.
Million Dollar Club – Commonweal Theatre
The Commonweal Theatre Company is a non-profit group based in Lanesboro, MN. The professional artists of this group have brought to life soulful stories told with honesty and creativity. They have been an integral part of the larger Root River community since 1989.
Harmony Enterprises’ commitment to the theatre hearkens back to 1998, in the early years of the Million Dollar Club, when then-founder Don Cremer pledged an annual donation to the artistic project. This has been a commitment that current CEO Steve Cremer and the company have continued to honor on an annual basis.
The Million Dollar Club is a long-term giving plan. Members pledge to contribute at least $4000 over a ten-year period to help underwrite general operating support for the Commonweal. Currently, there are over 420 households and businesses who have made this commitment.
The monies contributed to the Million Dollar Club benefits the low ticket price and the deeply-discounted student matinee series. The support also helps to fulfill the mission of the Commonweal, which is “to enrich the common good through actor-based storytelling which is both transcendent and relevant.”
Click here to learn more about becoming a member of the Commonweal Theatre’s Million Dollar Club. You can also make a donation to the Commonweal Theatre by clicking here.
Harmony Kids Manufacturing Day
Harmony Kids Learning Center recently had a special guest in honor of National Manufacturing Day on Friday, Oct. 7th. Ramon Hernandez, Vice President of Operations with Harmony Enterprises, spent the morning with the preschool class at the learning facility.
Mr. Hernandez took the time to explain what Harmony Enterprises does and how this company helps to clean the earth. He showed the preschoolers pictures of the company facility and employees. Several of the employee photos were parents of the students in the preschool class!
The students had the opportunity to feel metal in its different forms as well as examples of controllers used to start balers or compactors. They also saw the contrast between a stack of boxes that were not baled and a stack that had been baled. The kids were amazed at the difference in size and learned first- hand why baling is critical to reducing wasted space.
The students at Harmony Kids Learning Center remind us why Harmony Enterprises strives to be the global solutions provider in recycling and waste management, making the earth a clean and sustainable environment for generations to come!
Harmony Employee Serves His Community With Pride
Carl Ernst has been a welder at Harmony Enterprises for 37 years. He is a valued member of the Harmony team and is committed to quality work done with a sense of pride and accomplishment. This sense of service and pride goes beyond the floor at Harmony Enterprises.
Carl has served on the Canton, MN city council for three terms. He is seeking re-election this November in hopes of a fourth term. Carl’s experience, vision, and compassion are what drive him in his role. He is willing to listen to his constituents and values their opinions. His community involvement is a positive reminder for all of us to be involved in our community activities. Congratulations, Carl, and best wishes in the upcoming election!
To read more about the candidates, visit The Fillmore County Journal.