Manufacturing Week In MN
Manufacturing week was established as a way to recognize the economic importance of this business sector within our communities and schools. The week coincides with the National Manufacturing Day, which falls on the first Friday of every October. This year, MN Manufacturing Week is Monday, September 29-Friday, October 2nd.
According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, participating in this celebration is important due to the vital role manufacturing plays in our state and local communities and their respective economies.
Here are some amazing manufacturing stats provided by the MN Deed Office:
Economic Importance
Manufacturing is the backbone of Minnesota’s economy, thanks to the sector’s strength, versatility and innovation.
Economic Impact
Manufacturing added $52.7 billion to Minnesota’s economy in 2019, representing the second-largest contribution (14%) to the state’s gross domestic product (GDP) by any industry.
Employment Impact
Minnesota has 324,000 manufacturing jobs statewide, which is 13% of all private-sector jobs.
The average manufacturing job supports another 3.24 jobs in other segments of Minnesota’s economy. That’s another 709,000 jobs. Combined, manufacturing supports 1,033,000 jobs, or 41% of total employment in the state.
Pocketbook Impact
The manufacturing sector has the second-largest total payroll – $22.1 billion dollars in 2019.
Manufacturing pays an average annual wage of $68,081. That’s $9,163 (or 16%) higher than the state’s overall average wage.
How Harmony Is Celebrating Manufacturing Week In MN
COVID-19 has caused many events to be postponed, cancelled, or altered. But not even this horrible pandemic can stop the celebration of manufacturing in our state!
Typically, Harmony Enterprises partners with regional groups like the Southeast Service Cooperative (SSC) and area high schools to provide educational tours of our production facility, focusing on the benefits of a career in manufacturing.
Nick Wobig of Bluff Country Collaborative/SSC says, “Due to COVID-19 and many of our schools going to a distance learning or hybrid model of education this fall, we are moving to digitally recorded interviews/site tours for Manufacturing Week In MN. These will be housed in FutureForward™ a free tool web based software that is being used by 46 middle schools, high schools, and colleges in southeast Minnesota.”
Harmony’s FutureForward™ company page includes fresh media videos and vignettes that include:
- Who Harmony Enterprises Is As A Company
- Harmony’s Core Values
- The Careers Offered At Harmony Enterprises
- The Equipment & Processes We Use In Our Manufacturing Operations
- Our Products & Services Like Our M42BC Stockroom Baler, M60CB Vertical Cardboard Baler, M60STD Vertical 60″ Baler, M72HD High Density Baler, HM-60 Closed Door Manual Tie Horizontal Baler, T60XDRC Automatic Baler, 450SS Stainless Steel Compactor, & SmartPack Automatic Compactor.
- Information On How To Apply For A Career And Advancement Opportunities
…And Much More!
Students whose schools are registered with FutureForward™ will be able to access this information, as well as any other scheduled educational or training events offered by Harmony and other participating companies throughout the year.
What Can You Do To Help?
Looking for ways that you, or your business can help draw attention to manufacturing where you live this year? Here are a few simple ideas:
- Arrange Manufacturing Facility Tours – Talk to your local manufacturers and see if they can set up virtual tours of their facility and post them on trusted sites like YouTube or FutureForward.
- Become A Sponsor- Talk with local school groups to see how you can help support their work in schools, including financially supporting a variety of needs including video production and future in-person tours.
- Sponsor A Guest Speaker- Manufacturing leaders are some of the most innovative and creative people in the country! Ask one of your local leaders to come talk to your local Rotary, Lions, Chamber Of Commerce, or other organizations to show what it is that they do and how it benefits your community. Its a great starting point for future collaboration!
- Talk About The Importance Of Careers In Manufacturing – Whether its with school officials, teachers, students, or community members, we need to talk about manufacturing. Today’s manufacturing involves a myriad of highly trained professionals that understand how to use and create cutting-edge technologies. These high-paying careers create job security and financial stability for employees and their communities.
Harmony Enterprises would like to thank the MN DEED Office, Southeast Service Cooperative, regional schools, and our local community for their support during manufacturing week in MN 2020.
We also extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our employees and their families for their continued dedication and commitment to Harmony and our community as an essential business.
If you would like to learn more about us or our balers, compactors, or liquid extraction equipment, please call us at (507) 886-6666. Or, Contact Us to receive information or a free quote today!