What Is Included In A Harmony Preventive Maintenance Plan?
Preventive Maintenance Plans are available on all Harmony Enterprises’ equipment. They are an extremely affordable and convenient way to ensure the long life and reliability of your investment. Contact our Customer Service department for a quote at 888-474-2253 (if you live in the U.S.) or 507-886-6666 (If you live outside the U.S.). You may also reach us at [email protected].
What Harmony Preventive Maintenance Plans Include:
- Inspection of all wires, relays, and terminal connections. Secure any loose wires.
- Inspection of all switches and buttons on the control panel.
- Inspection of the upper limit, upper door, and chamber door safety switches.
- Oil level and coloration. Top off oil level.
- Inspection of all hoses and fittings on the directional valve, cylinder, tank, and pump. Tightening of any loose connections.
- Inspect all hoses for wear, cracks, or other damage.
- Inspect the hydraulic cylinder seals for leaks.
- Inspection and notation of any damage to the ram or wear pads.
- Inspection of the cylinder pin and cylinder bolts. Secure as needed.
- Inspection of the upper door weight chains door tracks, and wear guides.
- Inspection of the bale chamber walls, lower doors, and bale ejector hook and strap.
- Greasing of the door and latch hinges.
Other Items:
- Inspection of the condition of the doors, baler frame, and overall paint.
- Inspection of the floor anchors at the base of the baler. Secure as needed.
- Cleaning of any debris from around or above the ram or baler itself.
- Inspection of all wires, relays, and terminal connections. Secure any loose wires.
- Inspection of all switches and buttons on the control panel and remote.
- Oil level and coloration. Top off oil level.
- Inspection of all hoses and fittings on the directional valve and cylinder
- Inspect all hoses for wear, cracks, or other damage.
- Inspection and notation of any damage to the front or rear of ram and ram wiper.
- Inspection of the rear ram guide wear shoes and top wear pads on the front of the ram for wear.
- Inspection of the front and rear cylinder pins for wear.
- Lubrication of turnbuckle threads and inspection of container hooks.
Other Items:
- Inspection of the condition of the chute, hopper, and frame welds.
- Inspection of the overall appearance and condition of the paint.
- Inspection of the floor anchors, container guide rails and stops. Secure as needed.
- Cleaning of any debris from behind the ram or compactor itself.
All inspections will be documented on a Harmony Preventive Maintenance and Safety Inspection Form. Unsatisfactory conditions will be reported to you. Service estimates, repair parts, and availability will be quoted for you by our service department so that your equipment will continue to run in an efficient and reliable manner.
Contact Us to request a preventive maintenance quote today!
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